The Hollow Body Studios Open Mic @ The Chelmsford Public Library is a brand new, once-per-month event, that will provide a platform for musicians of all ages from the Chelmsford and surrounding area to play music in front of an audience! Both original songs and "cover" songs are welcome! We are thrilled to partner with the Chelmsford Public Library to bring music and music participation to the Chelmsford area. To find out more about Hollow Body Studios, click the menu above! Please read the open mic guidelines and "rules" below, so you'll know what to expect when you come and how to sign up!
The first 3 dates of the open mic will be:
*Monday, March 30th, from 6-8:15pm.
*Monday, April 28th, from 6-8:15pm
*Monday, May 18th, from 6-8:15pm
Beginning on the 4th open mic in June, each event will take place on the 4th Monday of each month.**
(Subject to change, please check back to keep updated!)

Chelmsford Library
open mic rules & guidelines.
Despite all the "rules/guidelines" below, this will be a fun, laid back event. They are only to make sure that as many people get a chance to play as possible and the the event runs as smoothly as possible. :)
1. Open mic will run from 6pm to 8:15pm. The event is FREE to all participants. Everyone must clear the library by 8:45pm
2. Each open mic participant will get ONE - 10 minute slot - not longer. This will ensure that we have enough time to
for everyone who signed up to play. You may do 1 song or 2 songs, as long as your total time does not exceed 10 minutes. (This might change as we progress into the year, but for now it is the format.) If you are a duo, trio, you only get one slot. You can't switch lead singers and get more than one slot, unfortunately there just isn't enough time. (If you have any questions, please email me at: hollowbodystudios@gmail.com )
3. ADVANCE SIGN UP: You may sign up in advance here. PLEASE COME IF YOU SIGN UP IN ADVANCE. If you are not here by 5:55 on the day of the open mic, your slot may be given to someone else and you won't be able to play unless we have extra slots at the end of the night. I will try to save at least 1 slot for someone who does not sign up in advance.
4. THIS IS AN ACOUSTIC OPEN MIC - NO DRUMS, NO AMPS. There will be a PA you can plug your acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, banjo, mandolin etc.. into. There will be 2 microphones. (so if you want to sing and your instrument does not have a "pickup" it can be miked.) Most likely, we will have a 61 key piano keyboard available for you to play. Please do not bring your own keyboard as it will take too long to set up.
5. The open mic is mainly a music event but you are a poet, (or want to read dialogue) you may come an perform/read up to 10 minutes of your in a slot.
6. Light refreshments will be provided by the library. (Thank you Chelmsford Library!!) No alcohol will be served or is allowed in the library.
7. Bring your friends and family to listen!
8. Have fun!